
Our response to COVID-19

It’s been an interesting and tough year for everyone. One Defense is determined to to provide quality training in a safe manner. The safety of our students and staff has always been our Number One priority.

In order to meet the challenge, changes have been made to our courses to allow for social distancing, outdoors, with smaller groups. Hand sanitizer will be provided and we will minimize use of shared equipment.

Due to the tough financial times, we are offering a 15% discount on our courses. As Hughe Knatchbull-Hugessen wrote, “May you live in interesting times”. We most certainly are! It is my belief that what we are doing is more important than ever.  Please join me on the range to prepare!

We have changed our schedule to align with the state requirement for shelter in place. Defensive Handgun has been scheduled for June 13th and Defensive Rifle has been scheduled for June 27th. These dates are tentative based upon state requirements and range availability. Keep in eye on the One Defense Facebook page or the Upcoming Courses page on our site for the latest schedule.
Are you ready to defend yourself? Click here to select the One Defense course you need to prepare for the Fight!

You can also join us July 25-26 – Advanced Low Light Defensive Handgun and Rifle

Both days will include Low-Light, live-fire shooting. A majority of Armed encounters occur in low light. This advanced course teaches much more than the fundamentals of move and shoot, it teaches effective tactics and demands precision shooting in order to end the attack without shooting innocent bystanders in low light conditions. You will participate in a variety of scenarios to prepare you for home defense, vehicle defense, active killer, and terrorist response. This advanced course is for individuals that have attended the appropriate defensive handgun and defensive rifle courses. To attend, you must meet the prerequisite requirements. Please contact me to determine if you are eligible.

**$100 REBATE When you take the One Defense courses Defensive Handgun I, Defensive Rifle I and Low Light Defensive Handgun and Rifle with John Farnam.


Be Safe. Be Prepared. Get Trained. – You are the One.



2020 Schedule

Are you ready to defend yourself? Click Upcoming Courses to select the course that you need to prepare you for the Fight!

You are the One who must be prepared for the fight AND the aftermath. We provide what you need to know and what to do! We will teach you what you can do to avoid going to prison. If you don’t think it will happen to you, read what happened to Larry Hickey.

– 2/15  Defensive Handgun FundamentaIs

– 3/14  Informed Choices Before You Buy

– 6/13  Defensive Handgun I
– 6/27  Defensive Rifle I

– 7/25-26  Advanced Advanced Low Light Defensive Handgun and Rifle

– 9/14  Defensive Handgun II
– 9/28  Defensive Rifle II

Contact Me for an appointment to schedule a private session for any One Defense course.


Women can attend the following courses for FREE!

**$100 REBATE – When you take Defensive Handgun I, Defensive Rifle I and Low Light Defensive Handgun and Rifle with John Farnam.

SPECIAL GROUP RATE – When you register a group of 5 or more  to any One Defense course, you can choose your date(s) and receive a %20 DISCOUNT!

SPECIAL Private Training rates. We will come to you! Please Contact Me for more information.